Pink…I love the color pink…since it is close to Valentines day I pulled out my hot pink silky tunic blouse that purchased from Old Navy. I wasn’t sure I would like the mandarin collar but once I tried it on I really liked the look.
I love dark skinny jeans they just look crisp and classic. The crispness I speak of may possibly be tightness because I just washed them and they may or may not have shrunk just a tad…it most certainly is not the fact that I may or may not have recently eaten decadent chocoate desserts, French macarons, rich buttery croissants and other delightful treats while on my family girls trip to So. Cal 😉 Our girls trip made me think about the quote from the movie Eat Pray Love…where Julia Roberts says “I’m so tired of saying no, and waking up in the morning and recalling everything I ate the day before – counting every calorie I consumed so I know exactly how much self-loathing to take into the shower. I’m going for it. I have no interest in being obese, I’m just through with the guilt. So, here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to finish this pizza, and tomorrow, we’re going to buy ourselves some bigger jeans” So…perhaps I will be out shopping tomorrow 🙂
I love your blouse,you look to stylish in your outfit. It's a happy day outfit! lol Thanks for sharing. Paula
Paula, thank you for your kind comment… It does make me feel happy 🙂 what's not to love about the color pink 🙂
Still soooo cute. I love your blog. Where are you these days?
We are the salt Lake area now… Next time I'm in St. Geo..We need to get together!!
so cute. pink is definitely your color!!
Love it! You look great! And yes……I can totally appreciate the need for the readers…cannot live without them! You go girl!
Aww thank you Mandy for your sweet words..they made my day, I sometimes feel a little silly posting these pics but at the same time…I love fashion and I like to play with clothes I have in my closet to create new outfits and its fun to share ideas with bloggy friends and I hope I can inspire others to try new things 🙂