I have always loved the craft office rooms that Pottery Barn catalog shows so I set out to copy it as best as I could…cheaply of course.
I found these desk tops and shelves at IKEA and after we built the shelves we attached the desk tops with screws.
I did not put doors on them and opted for baskets.
You can see a lower countertop in the middle and that is where I house my serger and over to the left is my sewing machine. I put it on a higher countertop so I could stand and sew. (A total back saver)
A few of my favorite things in this room is the shelf above, the wrapping center on the left that holds wrapping paper and the white shelves with mason jars hanging from them. My cute hubby made these for me!!
He really did such a great job!
I love to see all the colors of thread…it motivates me to be creative.
Here is a close up of the shelves with the mason jars in them. They are awesome to store scissors, pens, wire cutters, rulers and tape measure….how many times do you have to go look for your tap measure..this keeps everything in one place.
Another IKEA find …this shelving unit can be used standing up or on its side like I am using it. I love the large openings and the big box containers that fit into the openings. I keep current projects (haha I say that and yet I haven’t finished a project in quite some time) in these boxes as well as gift wrapping stuff in others.
There you have it…my craft room!
ikea has so many options that are great and functional. thanks for sharing this.
love your room, great ideas, ikea is great isn't it. Thank you for sharing. God bless…
What a fabulous craft room! I would love one exactly like it! I haven't tried sewing standing up, though — interesting idea! I especially love the wrapping center — and your hubby built it? He's a keeper!
Oh I can't believe how neatly organized and cute this is. What a great place you have to work.