Today I am just spending the day at home working on my blogs and trying to learn about things like SEO, how to use social media to my advantage instead of IT taking advantage of me and learning from other great bloggers how to write better.
This is my spot on the sofa…next to the armrest with my feet up on the coffee table and the ipad on my lap, I also have my laptop computer sitting on the arm of the sofa and my cell phone next to me…crazy isn’t it???
I have found the laptop can do certain things faster than my iPad, probably because I can type faster on a regular key board…who knew that my weird high school typing teacher would have taught me such a valuable skill…typing!!
See that cute 3- tiered metal thingy (I never know what to call it!) it’s the one I told all of you about from Walmart! I love that thing!
I’m putting some fall ideas together to share with all ya Y’all’s!
I am all about casual today- I bought this cotton button down shirt from Old Navy…as well as the super cute and comfortable black and white hounds tooth pants that I blogged about.
I was soooo surprised at how great they fit and how comfy they are! I will wear that outfit as soon as it cools off here and show you!
These are the red knee length shorts I told you about from Downeast Basics hands down the most comfortable because of a little spandex in them!
Whoever invented spandex is totally my hero!!
Well I guess I should get back to my “studies” you know I gotta learn all about SEO or whoops maybe I’ve been studying SOO Seek Out Outfits or SOF Seek Out Food…oh but there is no doubt about it…… I’m “studying”! 🙂
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
I am just about to post a delicious cottage cheese lemon blueberry pancake I made this about flavor!!
So good!
Ta Ta For Now 😉
You are adorable, love your style! Those shorts are a great color and length.
The pumpkin display in the kitchen is such a great idea, I may have to copy you 🙂 xo, Liz
Thanks Sally 🙂
Cute shorts! I really like the cut and length, and it looks like your having a super fun day in them! Have a great weekend!
Aww thanks Melissa! I had fun writing that post…I have been reading more and more about just being real and so that is what im going to try and focus on. I really appreciate your comments.
Have a fab day!
You are just too cute, and I love your casual Friday style! I need to do some 'studying' too, but it will have to wait until the weekend, unfortunately. I have also discovered that I 'need' one of those 3-tiered thingies since stopping by to visit you today. That is just too cute…especially with the little pumpkins in it! 🙂