Our sweet brother passed away one year ago today from colon cancer.
We really miss him.
Tim was the kind of guy that was larger than life….he had that magnetic kind of personality that attracted people from all walks of life. Tim’s smile alone could light up a room!
He had an amazing sense of humor that would make everyone laugh right out loud! Even during his funeral when friends and family shared stories about him all 800 people in attendance were laughing out loud. He was adored by so many people!
Tim had a heart as big as all outdoors and he not only cared about people..but he put his feelings into action and always helped people in any way he could whether it was to give them money when they were down on their luck and/or invite them to live in his home.
He loved music and we could sit around for hours in his office listening to the zillions of songs he had downloaded. Tim owned a kareokee system and would love to love to sing “Mac the knife” to any all who would listen. He did have a great voice and perfomed in a local community theatre group. He even landed the leading role…. scrooge…. in the musical production of “A Christmas story” His ability to express scrooges feelings were powerful!!
Tim lived and loved life to fullest.
Tim is the father of 8 beautiful children…7 boys and 1 girl and husband to Liz an absolute angel and truly amazing woman. One of his favorite places on earth to go was Disneyland and he and his family would frequently pack up their car and drive 6 to 7 hours to get there. Tim and Liz’s relationship was heaven on earth…always there for one another and always showing affection.
As much fun as Tim always had in life he always had his priorities straight. He love the Lord and served his fellow man. Tim had a testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and he was an example of the savior…showing compassion and love to those around.
We feel so blessed to have had him in our lives for those 47 years.
Love and miss you Tim-Bob!
Karin and Tiff
I'm new and I just read how much your dear brother fought this terrible desease and he has finally passed and left you all his beautiful family so sad. I am very sorry for your loss and I will pray for your hANDSOME AND DEAR BROTHER'S SOUL and may God keep him close. XO
I'm so sorry for your loss of your beloved brother, Tim. We'll be praying for all of you!
I lost my younger sister, in 2000 – at age 47 to colon cancer, too. So, I know what you're going through. Stay strong in Jesus.
dear Karin and Tiff,
I'm so sorry to read about you loss, and this tribute is so beautiful, so full of love.
yesterday it was one year that I lost my dear beloved mother-in-law. also cancer, bone cancer.
I wrote a tribute to her one month ago, with my heart full of pain.
I can feel you loss, you pain, your love for your brother.
what a wonderful family you are.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I know how much you miss him just from reading this wonderful tribute to him. He really sounds such a great guy. I feel so sad for his wife for the great loss too, and also the children, so many of them. At least they can comfort each other and if there is any consolation at all, I know he is very happy in heaven watching over them…..Christine
I want to add to everyone's beautiful comments. What a lovely tribute and what a hard thing to lose someone so young. My heart goes out to all of you and especially to his wife and his darling children. It is so wonderful to have faith in the resurrection and the peace the Spirit brings. I pray for all of you that you will continue to have that peace and feel of his love and concern for each of you. Thank you for sharing with us you tender memories and love for your brother.
My heart breaks for your loss and for his wife and children. I know you all know he is with his Father in heaven, but in our flesh we so long and miss our loved ones. God bless to you all. May the comfort of His loving hands hold you and may you find peace in the sweet, sweet memories you have.
Peace be with you and your family. Your brother sounds like an amazing person and he touched so many lives in the short amount of time he was given on this earth. I cannot imagine your loss. My prayers are with you.
Karin and Tiff,
I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute you have written about him.
I remember about your brother. I have 2 gone and I still miss them as you do this handsome brother, HUGS to you 😀
I am sorry for your loss and have also walked this path with family members.
It sounds like the Lord used your brother in so many ways to Bless other people's lives and to "plant" many seeds of encouragement for those who needed it. He sounds like an angel that walked among the rest of us.
My prayers and thoughs are with all of his family today as you remember what a wonderful husband, father, brother, and son he was to his family.
I am sorry for your loss — he seemed so young to leave. He sounds like such a great guy! I have a brother named Tim too. What a sweet tribute to him. I am so glad that he was able to live life to the fullest while he was here on this earth. My thoughts go out to you. Joni
My prayers are with you today–he was such a wonderful man. It just isn't the same without him here. Love you
What a beautiful memorial to your brother. He sounds like an amazing man. May you continue to find comfort in your memories.
He sounds like a treasure. How lucky you were to have him in your life. To have so many happy stories of him is priceless. You should write some down for his children to have. Maybe have all the friends and family submit them and create a little book.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother to cancer. It is a nasty thing. I too have lost family & friends to this. I have had cancer myself & it is scary but I am sure your brother was comforted to have the wonderful love of his beautiful family & sisters.