How to Re-Do A Fall Wreath
While I was in St. George I went to a store called Tai Pan (that no longer exists) and they had these beautiful BROWN ACORNS, A YUMMY SOFT GREEN PEAR and other round balls covered in RED AND BROWN DRIED LEAVES and I just knew they would add that extra something to my wreath. These large faux fruits and veggies create a nice focal point. Getting out my HANDY DANDY GLUE GUN I was able to attach them to the wreath. I then added little touches here and there of EXTRA FALL LEAVES (that I already had LAYING AROUND IN MY AUTMUMN BOX IN THE GARAGE) Adding in the extra leaves made the wreath much fuller. Isn’t this fall wreath re-do fast and easy?
VOILA!! a fabulous full fall wreath for just a few extra bucks.Hanging It on my black front door really allows it to shine! The bright orange and gold colors of the wreath just seem to pop because of such a contrast. What kind of wreaths do you like to use for fall? I created a natural corn husk wreath that you might like to see. It too really pops off of a dark background.

The wreath looks fabulous with the extras. I just went to Tai Pan Trading here in southern California for the first time last Saturday. I didn't see the items you found. But then there is so much to see it would be very easy to miss.
Can you add my link or button-thanks.,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving the lovely comment!!! Your wreath is BEAUTIFUL, but I AM NOT ready for fall yet!! lol
Beautiful wreath, I can smell the fall in the air!! Janna
Looks very rich and full! Great job! I am so ready for fall!!!
I love those acorns…and although my hubby rolls his eyes year after year at the mention of the first day of fall, well you and I both know it really truly starts on Sept 1st!
My favorite time of year too!
It looks really fantastic!
It looks fabulous!!
Nice job, love those little acorns!
Now why couldn't mind have turned out so gorgeous? Love it!! Thanks for sharing.
Looks so amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Nice redo! I posted a wreath redo today as well!
Wow, what a difference! This looks GREAT!
looks so good against your black door!
Oh your wreath looks so very pretty!
I wish it was fall here in Phoenix. But it's hard to think about pumpkins and turning leaves when it is 110! 🙂
Another month.
Thank you for your kind words about my girl. It helps.
Yes! Fall starts at my house on September 1st! I love Fall!
How fun to visit TAI PAN! I love that store!
Cheers to Fall!
Ok you are amazing!!!!! LOVE the wreath and you changed the blog and I love it!!!!! We need to do some more projects and send each other pics to keep the minds busy 🙂 Love you to pieces!! Wish we were still in SG hangin out!
SO cute! What a great re-do! I was just at Tai Pan today. What a great store!
Absolutely!!!! I'm with you girlfriend…Bring it on !!!!Come on Fall show me your colors baby!!! the "FALLERIZING" has begun, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings…
Your wreath is beautiful! It makes me want to go out and buy a bunch of mums.:)
Yes I fell like Fall is Sep. 1 also…but in actual time I think it is 17 or 19 days away….not sure but who cares now if Georgia would get with teh program of cooling down it would be so much better….
Love your wreath and I am actually going to try and repurpose one also…you all make it look so easy.
I am ready to start fall decorating but I know I won't hear the end of it. So I will wait a week maybe two and then start the decorating! Can't wait!! And I love the revamped wreath!! It's always fun to re-do something you already have and make it into something wonderful!
Love the wreath! Great job!
yes…from the crazy halloween lady! I luv your wreath. i must admit, i've never attempted one. i'm convinced mine would look like something someone threw up on. seriously. your's is gorgeous!
Where do I begin? It is all wonderful and makes the approaching season change look so inviting. Your header is fantastic. Thanks for sharing your ideas.