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White Decor

16 years ago

Hello fellow bloggies! I am busy working on 4 video projects, creating a website for my mom.....amongst a myriad of…

Dear Daisy Cottage

16 years ago

If you haven't been over to the Dear Daisy Cottage blog (click on the name to go there) you must…

Recipes From The Garden

16 years ago

If your garden is like mine you probably have a ton of basil popping up! Here is a great pesto…

This is for you Pikes Pickles

16 years ago

Okay Pikes Pickles you gave us a challenge to see if we could come up with some ideas for your…

Help me decide what to do next with my house.

16 years ago

Okay all my blogger friends I need your advice....After looking at my photos of my living room and dining room…


16 years ago

MAKING DO WITH THRIFT STORE FINDS!! Rhoda at Southern Hospitality is hosting a party and showing all our favorte thrifty…

Swimsuit Phobia?

16 years ago

While on our trip to St. Thomas I noticed many women dressed in their little sun dresses, bikini's, short shorts,…


16 years ago

For those of you who do not know, I (Tiffany-the other half) LOVE Amy Butler fabric with a passion!! I…

Anyone for free fonts???

16 years ago

A friend just sent this to me and I thought I would share.... gotta love freebies!! Click here and enjoy!!

Iguana’s, kayaking, beaches, sunsets.

16 years ago

Isn't he just adorable?! Freaky is more the word. There are tons of them around here in St. Thomas and…

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