
Discover the Beauty of E-Bike Adventure Along the Adriatic Coast

Ciao, friends! I’m back with another exciting E-bike riding Adriatic coast adventure from our recent trip to Italy. This time, we hopped on E-bikes and explored the stunning Adriatic coast in San Vito Chietino. Let me take you along for the ride!!

E-Bikes: The Perfect Way for a bike riding adventure

We chose E-bikes for our journey, and it was the best decision ever. These bikes come with pedal assist, making it super easy if you are going against the wind or to tackle hills. We have also rode bikes in Vasto, Italy which is a bit more rustic of a ride. You can read about that bike ride here.

The bike path, which used to be train tracks, offered us breathtaking views of the turquoise Adriatic Sea on one side and rolling green hills dotted with charming Italian homes on the other. Everywhere we looked, the scenery was stunning!

A Tandem Adventure on the Adriatic coast

One memorable part of our ride was seeing a couple in our group trying out a tandem bike. She had a hip issue, and the tandem bike allowed them to ride together and enjoy the experience. It was sweet to see them share the ride and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

Exploring a Trabocco in San Vito Chietino

We made a delightful stop at a Trabocco during our ride. These ancient wooden fishing docks, some of which have been turned into restaurants, are unique to this region.

We took a little walk down to the water by one of these fascinating structures, soaking in the history and beauty of the Adriatic. It is always so magical to have a bike riding adventure on the Adriatic coast!

Seafood Feast on the Adriatic Coast

After our bike ride, we enjoyed a delightful lunch at a restaurant on a Trabocco.

The menu was brimming with fresh-from-the-sea dishes. While I prefer white fish, many in our group indulged in mussels, calamari, baby octopus, and other local delicacies.

It was a true taste of the Adriatic!

Alfresco Dining with Friends

Later that evening, we gathered at our friends Bimbi and Spencer’s home for a lovely dinner in their backyard. The setting was perfect for an alfresco dining experience.

Bimbi prepared a delicious bean salad and rosemary roasted potatoes, but the star of the meal was a traditional Abruzzese dish called arrosticini.

These are small pieces of lamb skewered and roasted over an open flame—simply divine!

Sweet Endings

We ended the dinner with a sweet pastry traditional to Casoli, Italy called Cannoncini.

These delightful puff pastry horns filled with creamy goodness were the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Stay tuned for more of our Italian adventures! Whether it’s discovering hidden gems, indulging in local cuisine, or enjoying the company of friends old and new, there’s always something magical about Italy.

Buon viaggio and happy pedaling!

I hope you enjoyed this peek into our bike ride along the Adriatic coast. Have you ever experienced a ride like this? Share your thoughts and adventures in the comments below!

Karins Kottage

Welcome to Karins Kottage! There is always something fun going on! You would think after becoming an empty nester couple that our nest would be very quiet and empty but our Kottage nest is usually more full than what we started out with! You might find me hosting a birthday party or graduation party and a baby shower on the same weekend or a big outdoor get together with 25 of our friends and family in the backyard or maybe I might be in the kitchen trying out a new recipe for my hubby and I to grill on the BBQ for a quiet night for the two of us. I am passionate about entertaining and setting a beautiful table! I may or may not have an addiction to cloth napkins and fun salad plates oh and goblets too! I think I will always have a home decorating DIY project in the works as long as my hubby is on board with me haha. We have painted A LOT in the 6 homes we have owned in the 35 years that we have been married as well as re-done multiple pieces of furniture, added wall and ceiling treatments, replaced lights, bathroom fixtures and even tiled floors! I have sewn what seems like a million window treatments for our home as well as for family, made slipcovers, and duvets and even a formal dress or two!

View Comments

  • That looks like such a lovely day. I can not get over the color of the beautiful water!

  • What a wonderful way to see the coast and explore. Your dining experiences are amazing!

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