Ella Zsofi Anderson on was born on Feb. 21st at 5:30 PM weighing in at 7lbs 15 oz and our lives have been forever changed.Ella came into this world as a pink, pudgy perfect package that we love more than words can express. Madeline and Peter are just the perfect parents….loving and snugging their little one and being gentle, kind and loving with one another everydayI am loving being a grandma! My hubby loves being a grandpa!
Madeline was amazing during her labor and delivery
and looked like an angel with a sweet smile on her face the entire time.
Thank you to all of you that have wished Madeline and Peter and Ella all the best as they begin their new life as a little family.
More pics to follow 🙂
Screaming Meme says
Im so happy for you! 🙂 Meme
Joy Zaczyk says
Congrats – what beautiful photos!
Elli says
I need to see her!!!! She is just soooo adorable!!!
Bridget says
What a beautiful baby, so sweet! Congratulations to you and your family.
Meghan says
How wonderful!
She is beautiful!!
Lori says
Congratulations! She is just beautiful! I can tell you have a very loving and wonderful family.
Darlene - Our Creative Life says
Congratulations! Ella is beautiful! What a blessing!!
FabulousFloridaMommy says
Btw…you just won an award!
Visit my blog for details.
LDH says
Smiling with joy for you and your family! Precious little Ella!!!