For those of you who do not know, I (Tiffany-the other half) LOVE Amy Butler fabric with a passion!! I have made many things with her fabric and they have all turned out beautiful because of her unique prints! There is just something about her fabric that just draws me in. It isn’t just a few of her patterns, it is all of it! Well I was checking out her website today and had forgotten that she has about a dozen FREE patterns on her site! I have to share these things when I come across them!! I hope you enjoy the freebies as much as I do… :o)
farmerjulie says
Hi glad you found me! Small world huh? You sister is such a doll!
may I add you to my blog friends??
Half of the Style Sisters says
Tiff…so glad you found these freebies!! I can’t wait to get home and try some of these fun projects!! Have you decided when you can come for a visit yet? When you come we can do some of these together!!
Karin 🙂