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Peach Black and white Halloween Tablescape

9 years ago

I. Am. In. Love.  With the peachy colored Pumpkins! Peach black and white Halloween Tablescapes is perfect for a brunch…

Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potato

9 years ago

These Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are so yummy!  My hubby wants to have them once a week! Super simple, filling…

Fashion Friday- Fitted black jacket with gold buttons

9 years ago

Today on Fashion Friday I am sharing my fitted black jacket with gold buttons. It is a great piece to…

Tired of necklaces strewn everywhere? Make this cheap and easy Necklaceholder out of cork board and fabric!

9 years ago

 I had had it with my jewelry!! All my necklaces were tangled in a big mess in a drawer. I…

How to get kids to eat veggies the FUN way! Mini PIzza’s

9 years ago

We had a blast the other night with our grandkids making mini pizza's!  They really got into the process of…

Pipe towel rack DIY for small bathroom

10 years ago

This pipe towel rack that my daughter created is just so cool looking and great for small spaces!  Emily got…

Painting small master bedroom gray

10 years ago

I gotta tell you... When my daughter first said she wanted to paint her small master bedroom gray... I was…

Fashion Friday-Orange and fuscia

10 years ago

Fashion Friday- Orange and Fuscia are two of my fav colors!  I found this tank at Banana outlet along with…

Peach Crumble Bars

10 years ago

Last Sunday I made a yummy pork crockpot dinner for everyone and my sister made these AMAZING peach crumble bars…

Wedding Ribbon Wand Tutorial

10 years ago

Ribbon Wands I am in the process of making ribbon wands for my daughters wedding and I am in love…

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