Cancer is always a tough thing to hear isn’t it? I hoped I would never have to hear that word. If you have followed me over the years, you may remember when I shared about my brother that passed away from colon cancer at 48. This disease called cancer is the word that everyone everywhere never wants to hear. Well my sweet friends I have decided to share the type of cancer that has been going on in my life recently.

Subungual Melanoma Cancer
I recently was diagnosed with a rare cancer in my pinky finger. It is melanoma but it is called subungual nail cancer. it is a fast growing cancer and one you may not have heard of. I certainly had not.

It can begin as a stripe on your fingernail. I had what looked like dark pigmentation right at the tip of finger and thought that was weird but didn’t give it much thought. I had this for years.
Then I got fake nails this last year and I noticed a darker area right under the tip of the nail. I thought it was a wart. I tried home remedies from soaking my nail in hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes a day, wearing duct tape over the area, wart remover stuff and natural oils.
It wasn’t going away.
Going to the Dermatologist
After I took off my fake nails I noticed a darkening area over my nail. I thought it was just bruised after taking off the nails. Luckily we had an appointment to see our dermatologist within a few weeks. The minute he looked at my finger he just went hmmm.
I knew what that meant.

I immediately asked is this cancer? He said, “I don’t know but we need to do a biopsy”.
The Doctor did and sure enough it came back melanoma. He said, “I am sorry for the bad news” then he told me a little about the cancer and that I would need to see a cancer surgeon.
Scary Type of Cancer
As I studied about this type of melanoma I became really scared and thought this can’t be happening.
Who ever heard of finger cancer?!
The dermatologist immediately sent a request to Huntsman cancer Institute. About 2 weeks later we met with an oncologist surgeon who told me that he might have to amputate my finger.

The whole finger?
But if that is what has to be done then I guess that is what we have to do. He said first we need to do a ultrasound to see if you lymph nodes look suspicious. Luckily they got me in that same day.
Great news no suspicious looking lymph nodes.
I thought hurray I am in the clear….. well, not exactly…. but still a wonderful miracle!
More Tests For Cancer
My next test will be the day before my surgery. They call it a Lymphoscintigraphy. It is is a nuclear medicine imaging technique that uses radiotracers to map the lymphatic system. It is used to evaluate malignancies like breast cancer and melanoma. They will shoot the dye into my finger, then it will go throughout my lymph system to see if my lymph nodes show cancer. If there is a sign of cancer in the lymph nodes they will remove them during the amputation surgery and dissect them to see if cancer has spread.
If it has, then we will need more testing to see if it is in my lungs or brain.
I will most likely have to do immunotherapy for a year every 6 weeks. It is not as hard on you as chemotherapy which is another sweet miracle.
Staying Hopeful
Other great pieces of news besides a good result from the ultrasound is that from the original small biopsy it is not very deep and hasn’t gone past the epidermis. That is really good news and a miracle!
I was emailing with my surgeons nurse back and forth about the amputation because what I have read is that they don’t take the whole finger as much any more. The nurse checked with surgeon and he said, “at this point they are planning on only taking the tip to the first knuckle”!
That is another miracle!
Trusting the Lord Jesus Christ
Throughout this journey everyone has been so kind and loving towards me. So many have kept me in their prayers and that means so much to me. At first I was absolutely freaking out and depressed but then I chose to rely on the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in His plan. I have felt peaceful, calm and willing to trust even when I don’t know the whole outcome.

Photo: The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
So many sweet and tender miracles have taken place and I am overwhelmed with how much the Lord hears and answers our prayers. I cannot deny the power of prayer and reading scriptures. The only way I know how to communicate with Heavenly Father is to pray and they way He communicates back to me is through the Holy Ghost. It could be something I read in the scriptures, a still small voice whispering to me, talking with family and friends and something said really calms me.
He is there and wants to help me feel peace.
Doubt Not Fear Not
Here is the perfect way to express what faith is from The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints–
Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him—trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. It includes believing His teachings. It means believing that even though we do not understand all things, He does. Because He has experienced all our pains, afflictions, and infirmities, He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties.4 He has “overcome the world”5 and prepared the way for us to receive eternal life. He is always ready to help us as we remember His plea: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”
Continuing on this Cancer journey
Physically I feel great! I am continuing to stay active, we walk around the lake, bike ride and swim. Spending time with the family is always a pleasure and of course blogging. It keeps my mind busy and I love to share all the fun things going on here at the Kottage. I am not in any pain nor do I have any symptoms of having cancer. I feel so blessed.
As I continue on this cancer journey I will do my best to keep you updated. I am planning on continuing to provide all kinds of inspiring things here on Karins Kottage. Whether it is a yummy recipe, fashion tips for us gals over 50 (really over 60), decorating ideas, holiday party ideas, travel adventures and of course tablescapes.

After my surgery on Oct 16th we will see how I do without the tip of my pinky finger. Typing will take me a bit longer but hey I should get a 10% discount on manicures haha. My friends and family are keeping me laughing with funny ideas.
A farewell to my pinky party, One of my son in laws wants me to keep the finger tip for Halloween in jar with formaldehyde (No thanks) Some want to get me a plastic witch finger or a long plastic fingernail tip to put over my missing tip.
One friend just brought me best cookies….green witch finger cookies! So funny and fun!
Well my friends onward and upward taking each day at a time. Thank you for your love, thoughts and prayers on my behalf it means the world to me.
Hugs, Karin 🙂
I am praying for you for full recovery and quick healing from the surgery.
Thank you so much Bethany! It really means so much to me and I feel the prayers so much.
Hi Karen, I tried leaving a comment yesterday, but it didn’t go thru. Just wanted to let you know I’m praying for God’s hand to be on you for healing and restoration and for your family. Having a medical background, I have heard of this, especially with a brown stripe down the fingernail. So glad you caught it and had it checked out. Keep your spirits up and I know your family will be with you for support. Sending a hug and blessing your way!
Debra, You are one of the few that have heard about this type of cancer! It is so rare that hardly anyone has ever heard of it. Thank you for your sweet thoughts and love. I really appreciate it.
Hugs, Karin
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this, Karin, but it sounds like you have a wonderful medical team. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.
You are such an inspiration. I will be praying for you. I love you! Thanks for the inspiring message. What a strange and rotten thing to have to go through.
Thank you Robyn for your thoughts and prayers. It makes such a difference for me daily. It is so weird going through this! Who would’ve thought! Love you too and hope you are doing great these days.
Hugs, Karin
Oh, Karin, I’ll be keeping you in my prayers for more miracles as you navigate this. Praying for clear and clean reports and that pinky, friend.
Thanks so much Lesie! I appreciate your prayers so much!
Hugs, Karin
Thank you for sharing such a personal journey with us Karin. It is so courageous of you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Thankfully you have the support of friend and family and that’s golden.
Thank you for sharing your journey. You will be in my prayers!
I’m so sorry to hear this news. Cancer has been in my family as well, and I may have to deal with it someday. I’m glad you have seen such great doctors and that you have great support from family and friends. You will be in my prayers as well. You are an amazing woman, and I feel like you will beat this unusual cancer and be back to your energetic, healthy self soon.
Take care, and thanks so much for sharing your journey.
Lucy Drake
Oh Karin I’m so sorry to hear this. Life is full of unexpected journeys. My heart and prayers are with you. I love you my friend.
Thank you so much for your love and prayers Cynthia 🙂
Hugs, Karin
Blessings to you and keep praying. I also believe in the power of prayer.
I am so sorry to hear what you’re going through but it sounds like you were being so strong mentally and physically. Michael will always be by your side. I had rectal cancer five years ago and I am in remission right now so cancer is a very scary word and with the strength of my family and God I got through it. All my love to you and Michael and the family and keep us posted. Take care.
Vicky you are so precious! I am so sorry you had to go through cancer…I remember hearing about it. Cancer is always so dang scary! Mike is truly an angel and takes such good care of me! We will keep you posted on everything for sure. Hugs to you my friend.
Thanks for sharing your journey thus far with us, Karin. I’ll be praying for you! I went to the dermatologist yesterday… I had a suspicious spot in my neck. She immediately said, “Well, THAT’S getting biopsied.” After three other freezes on precancerous cells, she took the biopsy. Pathology should be in 2-3 weeks. Resting in the Lord.
Oh I hope and pray you get good news! I also had pre cancerous spots burned off and another biopsy on my chest. All those came back as precancerous. Thank heavens! I will be keeping you in my prayers and please let me know your results! Sheesh didn’t we both just go through loosing our moms 🙁 We must be tough gals! 🥰 We can do it with the Lords help! 🙏🏻
Our family has always loved yours and appreciated so many things your attitude and actions have reminded and taught us. No one wants someone they love to have such heavy concerns. But we all are taught in ways we aren’t expecting, including our dear friends. I pray this will begin and end with the tip of a little finger. But if not. We can pray for more.
Melinda, Thank you so much for your kind words they mean so much to me. Hugs to you my friend.
I am so sorry. By God’s grace, I am a breast cancer survivor of 19 years. The Lord took care of everything for me, many times before I asked or even knew what to ask. I will be praying for you and your family.
What would we do without the Savior in our life? Without faith? He is always there even when we might not think he is. So many tender mercies from Him everyday! It’s made me more aware of Him and how much He loves all of us! Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for your prayers!
Hugs, Karin ❤️
Wow I love hearing such positive amazing stories like this! The Lord is really aware of us at all times and in all places. Thank you for your sweet message.
Prayers for you. ❤️ Put your trust in Him.
Thank you so much for your prayers. My favorite scripture is proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Hugs, Karin
Hi Karin:
So grateful for all your miracles and thank you for your testimony of the goodness of Jesus Christ.
I will be praying for you and your family.
Take care,
Thank you so much for your prayers! I really feel strength and peace from everyone’s love and prayers. It fills me inside with hope and joy.
I had my cancer journey with melanoma as well. Psalm 34:4 was my daily comfort. Prayers for you.
PS- my prognosis was 2 years. That was 12 years ago. I can never say I am cancer free, but I can daily say thank you to God.
Wow that is an incredible journey! I love that scripture…I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. That just brings me peace. Thank you for sharing that with me. The fear is real but I trust in the Lord and His plan. Thank you for your love and prayers.
Hugs, Karin
Karin, I hate this for you! It sounds like you have wonderful medical care and friends and family who will do anything and everything to help out. Please know that I will be thinking of you. Life is so precious and as the days go by we all know we might have to face something scary with our health. You are helping others by sharing information.
Thank you my sweet friend. I do hope it brings awareness to everyone of this weird type of cancer and to go to your dermatologist for check ups.
I’m so sorry to read this and will be sending tons of prayers.
You’re an amazing person and I will be following your journey.
Hang on tight to your family and friends during this time.
You’re an inspiration.
Karin I am so sorry to hear this; and you are right that is one form of cancer I’ve never heard of before. I will keep praying for good news for you and I love that you are still feeling good, keeping your spirits up and trying to keep looking on the bright side of things!
Karin, I am sorry that you are going through this. Please know we are lifting you up in our prayers. Faith in the Lord and a good attitude go a long way in dealing with cancer. Take care!
Karin, just saw your post on your cancer. I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with that. You are in my prayers! It sounds like you have some wonderful and thorough doctors and specialists. I’m so thankful for that for you.
I appreciate your willingness to share your journey.- as it helps us to understand what you are going through and it also lets more people know about a cancer they may not have heard about.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will be praying for healing and also for peace for you as you go through treatment. May you experience blessings from God, in both a great outcome, and in times of joy and fun and encouragement, as you begin this journey. – Patty
Patty, Thank you for your love and prayers it really really means so much to me. It brings me so much peace and comfort. I know the Lord hears our prayers and will be with us in good times and hard times. We just have to trust and believe.
Hugs, Karin