If you have never had the opportunity to see Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah at Christmas you are missing out! I took these photos a week or so ago….and it doesn’t do it justice.
The lights are everywhere and in every color. It is spectacular!
This one is a little blurry but still pretty.
I love going to temple square and feeling the spirit there…it is like no other place on earth.
There is a very large nativity scene on temple square where they play beautiful Christmas music and a recording about the Savior’s birth that…reminds me of the reason why we celebrate Christmas.
President Henry B. Eyring said this:
It is my prayer that the Spirit will bless us this Christmas and in the years to come with the power to offer other gifts of love and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. I know that the Spirit can lead each of us in many and simple ways to give love, faith, and joy to others at this season of rejoicing.
I testify that Jesus Christ was the literal Son of God and the Savior of the world. He was the perfect gift from our loving Father. At this and every season, our Savior invites us to join with Him and others to offer the priceless gift of joy.
I pray that we will.
May you all feel the love and joy of the savior.
Merry Christmas everyone
Love Twmple Square. Your pics are great.