I have a new grandbaby!!
His name is Calvin Michael Anderson and he is sooo precious!! He was born on Saturday 4/24/10 he weighs 7 lbs 8oz. 20″ long
This is his little sister Ella and she was born a little over a year ago!! They are only 14 months apart. So I am here helping my daughter 🙂
It is so fun to be a grandma!
The Activity Mom says
oh that is so exciting! They are both adorable!
Stopping by from Mom Loop. I was just scrolling down looking at all of the pictures and ideas. Great blog!
Cricket And Scott says
Congratulations to you all!!
Le Chateau des fleurs says
Congrats….So happy for you 🙂
I have a French obsession and give away on my blog. Don't want you to miss it.
Yvonne @ StoneGable says
Another baby! What wonderful news! And such a beautiful boy. Welcome little Calvin. And Congratulations grandmama!
May God bless and keep this little one!
{Bellamere Cottage} says
Oh my….Your little grandbabies are as cute as they can be…
Warm blessings to all,
Aunti says
Enjoy! Babies are so fun! Especially grand babies!
Connie says
Congratulations! Nothing more precious than a new baby! You're right being a grandma IS fun!
Got the napkin rings. They're beautiful. Thanks!
Monica says
Congratulations – Enjoy!
Kathleen Ellis says
Congratulations!!! I am sooo looking forward to that day!
I received the napkin rings today…thank you!
Have a beautiful week!
;-D Kathleen
Brenda says
Precious! Congratulations! What an adorable baby!
marty (A Stroll Thru Life) says
He is just precious. Your little grand-daughter is so precious and cute too. Congratulations!!!! Hugs, Marty
sweetpicklesandchocolate says
Debbie says
Congrats and ENJOY!!
Julie Harward says
Ahhh, Congratulations…a beautiful boy too. I have an Ella, nearly year old too. Have fun grandma…do lots of smelling and nuzzeling on that sweet baby! Come say hi 😀