Since my daughter and I are going to try fly stand-by again today and since I have no access to a sewing machine or anything that will allow me to be creative…I will find others who are creaive and highlight their blogs while I wait and wait and wait hoping our names will be called to get on a plane! Yesterday we were at the airport for over 12 hours with no luck!! Holy Moly it was an extremely long long painfully boring day!!
Found these photos at Nesting Place of how you can use a white dresser in many rooms and in different ways.
Nesting Place is just an adorable blog and she also sells really cute tassels, garland and many other items for the home on ETSY. Not only that but on her Nesting Place blog there are some amazing re-do’s and you know how much we love those!! Isn’t this just the best! Let me tell you she has got the “cuteness factor” going on in every room!
Oh and guess what!!!! She has a SISTER!! Chatting at the sky blog is hers….and her blog has even more room re-dos! These sisters are both hysterical. So go check them out.
Liz says
I know! I love that white chest.
The Nester says
From one set of sisters to another!
Nice to meet you and thanks for liking us! We like you too and just love all things sister!
hope you aren’t still waiting at the airport!
Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says
I was browsing and came across your blog. Looks like you love a good project as much as I do & decorating on a budget. She does have some great ideas & it’s always fun to check them out.