I haven’t been doing any creative projects lately because the pool just keeps calling my name….”Karin…come get in the pool where it is nice and cool…take a dip…..float around just for a while, all your housework can wait” It tempts me all day long and so…. since I am weak…I just give in! Why not!! Life is too short….just take time to smell the “chlorine” ha ha ha.
I have been having a hankering to sew something fun and creative….a few months back I was inspired by the magazine Quick Stuff to Sew and did make my niece an adorable purse. I used the pattern that is in the magazine but added the brown plastic handles to make it more useable for a young teen. It came out pretty cute and she loves it! This magazine has tons of great patterns in it with all the directions you need. I really want to make some of the cute flip flops that are on the cover too.

Well…..I am off to the sewing room to see what fabrics I have laying around and see what I can come up with……uh oh….I hear the pool talking again….”come take a evening swim, you can sew later tonight, do some laps …..that is healthy for you, maybe even some water aerobics, or just float away the stresses of the day” Sheesh! Now do see what I am up against….this pool voice is just evil…………………………………What to do……… decisions…decisions………..SPLASH!!
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